Online Chess Classes

About the Course

Students will learn the movement of each piece, the most common checkmate patterns, special moves like castling, basics of opening and unique tricks.


Every child will have personal attention + 24×7 guidance and will see a visible difference within 6 weeks.



Mate in 1,Queen checkmate, Rook checkmate

Piece movement, Openings, Tricks & Tactics etc.


What you will receive

-Course Completion Certificate
International Quality Affordable Pricing
Quality Puzzles Book and Videos
Certified Fide Trainer
24x7 Mentor Guidance

Frequently Asked Questions

You will need a Laptop/Tab and a good internet connection for a smooth learning experience

A individual class would be rescheduled with flexibility

Each online chess class would be of 45 mins-1 hour depending on focus of the student.

You will be provided with a course completion certiicate

Classes will take place once or twice a week as per student and teacher flexibility